
The 9 Most Effective Types of Video

In this episode, Michael and Tyler are going to break down the 9 different types and explain how they can benefit your marketing and branding efforts.

The 6 Most Effective Blog Post Types

In this episode, we’re talking about the top 6 types of blog posts you should be writing for your business.

The Power of Sequential Advertising

In this episode, we discuss the purpose of sequential advertising and break down the process through the importance of narrative and the red & blue ocean audiences.

Content for Each Stage of the Buyer’s Journey

In this episode, Tyler and Michael walk through the buyer’s journey, giving you advice on the best types of content to put out for each buyer stage.

Killer Content Creation: How to Create a Repeatable & Scalable System

In this episode, Tyler and Michael will walk through a simple 5-step process you can utilize in your day-to-day content marketing.

The Power of Storytelling: 4 Types of Stories

In this episode, Tyler and Michael are going to break down the 4 story types and how they can benefit your brand.

Media Buying 101: How NOT To Get Ripped Off

In this episode, Tyler and Michael explain why you should work with an agency media buyer to help get the most out of your marketing dollars.

How Much Do Agencies Really Cost?

In this episode, Tyler and Michael discuss the agency ecosystem, give advice on how to shop around, and break down the 2 main types of agencies you’re likely to run into.

The Number One Tip to Increasing Your Conversion Rate

In this episode, we’re giving you our number one tip for improving your conversion rate.