5 Digital Storytelling Mistakes You’re Probably Making
Great brands have great stories, are you telling yours in a way that’s allowing you to connect with your audience?
Today, we’re talking about the 5 biggest mistakes brands and businesses make in digital storytelling. Over the years we’ve helped many brands tell their stories in video and online and have found a pattern of 5 common pitfalls:
- Trying to tell a perfect story vs. a human story
- Not having an origin story
- Having no purpose or call to action
- Forgetting how humans make decisions
- Trying to be the hero of the story
While discussing these 5 points, we covered a lot of ground when it comes to marketing, storytelling, and human behavior. We also talked about:
- Brand storytelling over the long haul
- Boring corporate videos
- Being human vs trying to game search engines
- Being relevant and authentic
- The power of video to convey emotion
- The importance of an origin story
- Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek
- Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk on the golden circle
- The theme songs to the The Brady Bunch and Gilligan’s Island and why producer Sherwood Schwartz thought they were important
- Congruency in your brand’s purpose and individual calls to action
- A marketer’s responsibility to have a purpose for creative output and to show results
- How people use emotion to make decisions instead of logic
- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
- A study by neuroscientist Antonio Damasio
- Childhood development and making decisions
- Superhero movies and the hero’s journey
- The customer as the hero of their story
“We want to be the hero and save the day for the customer, but that’s not how the customer thinks: The customer wants to be the hero.” -Michael T Johnson
- WIIFM (what’s in it for me)
- The brand’s place in the story as the guide, no the hero
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Angela Caputa, Director of Marketing
Hoffmann Brothers

Travis Sheridan, Executive Director
Venture Cafe Global

Cyndie Roche, VP of Sales & Marketing
Payne Family Homes