Should you start a podcast in 2019?

It seems like everyone is doing a podcast right now, but the truth is this medium isn’t as competitive as you might think and can provide a huge ROI for your business.

Today, we’re talking about podcasts, how they can help grow your brand and the major pitfall to avoid when creating one. There are three primary benefits a podcast can have for your business or brand:

  • Discoverability
  • Engagement
  • Authority

While discussing the three benefits a podcast can provide, we also discussed:

Creating a podcast for your brand or business boosts your discoverability in search. But, it has to be relevant to the person you're trying to attract to your business. Share on X
  • Audio content is less saturated than written content
  • Future-proofing your brand
  • Voice activated search
  • Evolution of search engines
  • Banner pieces of content provide opportunity
  • Positive association
  • WIIFT- What’s In It For Them
  • Make content that’s relevant for your audience
  • Don’t focus on entertaining, educate instead
  • Focus on who the podcast is about

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