Google Partners Connect Event

B2B in the Age of Assistance
SLAM! Agency has been selected by Google to host an exclusive educational event featuring B2B specialists from Google and other leading experts.
The event will take place November 14, 2018 and is by invitation only.
Companies in the business-to-business space need to evolve as technology and customer behavior evolves or risk going extinct. This is what Google calls “digital Darwinism.”
Too many B2B businesses are relying on past accomplishments to sustain their business. This is a strategy that is doomed to fail. In this exclusive session, representatives from Google will join us to discuss their research and their findings to help B2B survive in this age of assistance.
We are inviting Marketing Directors, Marketing Managers and Chief Marketing Officers to join us on November 14, 2018 at SLAM! Agency St. Louis headquarters.
If you are a B2B marketer and would like an invitation, please email your request to create [at] slamagency dot com.
Here's What Our Customers are Saying

Angela Caputa, Director of Marketing
Hoffmann Brothers

Travis Sheridan, Executive Director
Venture Cafe Global

Cyndie Roche, VP of Sales & Marketing
Payne Family Homes