Avoiding Shiny Objects in Marketing

It’s easy to get caught up in what your competitors are doing if they’re having success, but it’s important to avoid the shiny object.

Today, we’ll expound upon the 3 ways you can focus your digital marketing efforts from last week with two additional areas to consider. These two areas are:

  • Unifying your martech (marketing technology) stack
  • Ignoring the shiny object

While discussing these two areas to focus on, we covered a lot of ground when it comes to marketing, technology, and the importance of consistency. We also talked about:

  • Last week’s three focuses:
    • Know your customer
    • Unify all of your customer data
    • Double down on audiences
  • There are three areas of martech that we need to think about:
    • Creative production
    • Social media
    • CRM
  • Social media management tools- HootSuite, Sprout, Buffer, etc.
  • If you’re not getting unified data, you’re not able to make better decisions
  • Don’t try to use too many tools – your attention is fragmented and not focused
  • The question to ask: “Can I give up this feature on one app for a solution in another app that has most of everything I need?”
  • The reporting function in Sprout is an example of finding an app that has the most utility for you when it comes to features
  • Agorapulse– a growing social media management technology
  • Marketing automation- lot’s of tools:
    • Marketo, HubSpot Marketing, InfusionSoft
  • Using CRM automation to get people into the system
  • HubSpot Marketing ties into HubSpot CRM sales automation – this is a unique feature
  • Mailchimp innovation- pulling social accounts from mailing lists
  • The key when slimming down your marketing stack- pick one, learn it well and run with it
  • Adobe Suite is king when it comes to creative production
  • Be careful not to focus too much on what your competitors are doing
If you just do what your competitors are doing, you’re just a copy of a copy. Instead, focus on what’s working for you and figure out how to optimize it for your brand or business. Share on X
  • The newest thing isn’t always the best thing – without data on an app, you might not be able to judge if it will be effective for your business
  • Don’t be a copy of a copy – decide what’s working & how to optimize it
  • The consistent brand is the brand that wins

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Angela Caputa, Director of Marketing

Hoffmann Brothers

Travis Sheridan, Executive Director

Venture Cafe Global


Cyndie Roche, VP of Sales & Marketing

Payne Family Homes